About Bigha Units
1 Bigha, commonly used in states such as Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam, is equivalent to 3025.03 Gaj.
However, the measurement of a Bigha can vary regionally, as there is no standardized size.
For example
1 Bigha is equal to 14,400 sq ft in Assam
1 Bigha is equal to 9,070 sq ft in Punjab
Bigha to Gaj calculation formula
Gaj = Bigha x 3025.03
More about Bigha measurement unit
There are two types of Bigha- Pucca and Kuccha.
Puccha Bigha is most widely used for sizing plots and large tracts of land parcels.
Kuccha Bigha is used in some rural parts of India, to deal with the tenancy.
Bigha is also used in some neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Fiji but there is no ‘standardization’ that is internationally accepted.
Value of Bigha in different states
State |
Value of bigha in Gaj |
Haryana |
1207.74 gaj |
Punjab |
1207.74 gaj |
Rajasthan |
3025.03 gaj |
Madhya Pradesh |
1338.7 gaj |
Uttar Pradesh |
3025.03 gaj |
Karnataka |
3025.03 gaj |
Kerala |
3025.03 gaj |
Manipur |
3025.03 gaj |
Odisha |
3025.03 gaj |
Maharashtra |
3025.03 gaj |
Telangana |
3025.03 gaj |
Tripura |
3025.03 gaj |
Goa |
3025.03 gaj |
Arunachal Pradesh |
3025.03 gaj |
Chattisgarh |
3025.03 gaj |
Mizoram |
3025.03 gaj |
Meghalaya |
3025.03 gaj |
Nagaland |
3025.03 gaj |
Andhra Pradesh |
3025.03 gaj |
Jharkhand |
3025.03 gaj |
Gujarat |
1949.33 gaj |
Bihar |
3025.03 gaj |
West Bengal |
1610.32 gaj |
Assam |
1610.32 gaj |
Himachal Pradesh |
966.19 gaj |
Uttarakhand |
966.19 gaj |
Jammu and Kashmir |
3025.03 gaj |
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